拨打828.315.5840Did you know that 40% of women and 25% of men suffer from the physical and/or social discomfort of varicose veins, 或者50岁以上的人中有1 / 2的人患有这种疾病? 多亏了新兴的科技和先进的技术, our 静脉中心 offers the highest level of patient care and best possible outcomes with fewer complications and less recovery time.
静脉 机能不全
Over 40 million Americans suffer daily with painful, swollen legs as a result of venous disease. This condition is the result of faulty valves in the veins and is called venous insufficiency. 血管健康, 有一种单向瓣膜允许血液流向心脏, 但不会消失. 在病变的静脉中, 这些阀门不能正常工作, 让血液在心跳之间向下流动. This back and forth motion of blood leads to an increased venous blood pressure resulting in inflammation of the tissues around the vein. 这种炎症会引起腿部疼痛, 肿胀, 静脉曲张膨胀, 沉重, 不安, 抽筋, 皮肤变色, 麻木, 刺痛, 溃疡, 血凝块, 深静脉血栓形成(DVT). 如果不及时治疗,这种情况只会随着时间的推移而恶化.
遗传是静脉疾病的头号危险因素. If your parents had varicose veins, you have an 89% chance of developing them. 仅次于遗传的是性别. 女性, 尤其是那些有过多次怀孕经历的人, 患静脉疾病的可能性是男性的三倍吗. 另外, 需要长时间坐着或站着的职业, 增加患静脉疾病的风险. 年龄也是一个风险因素. While older people are at a higher risk for venous disease, it can start as early as childhood.
这种疾病的治疗被称为射频消融. This is a minimally invasive procedure where a catheter is inserted into the diseased vein by way of a small (2-3 mm) incision. 热作用于静脉壁使其关闭. 然后你的身体会自然地通过其他健康的静脉重新输送血液. The procedure is done under local anesthetic and is covered by most insurance carriers, 其中包括医疗保险. 病人 walk out of the 静脉中心 and return to their normal activities the same day.
治疗还包括静脉化学消融, another minimally invasive procedure that invloves injecting a foam into the veins, 使它们关闭. 这个过程不需要切口或缝合.
Spider veins are a result of dilated venous capillaries that fill with blood and become visible. 这些都不被认为是有害的,通常是出于美容原因进行治疗. 硬化疗法包括向蜘蛛静脉注射一种溶液, 是什么导致静脉壁封闭, 因此停止了血液流动. 静脉会变成疤痕组织,并在几周内逐渐消失.
- 我如何知道我是否有静脉疾病?
幸运的是, most vein disease can be seen by looking at the size and color of the vein at the skin surface. In some cases, however, the diseased vein may be deeper in the body and not visible through the skin. As a result, paying close attention to other symptoms is important in diagnosing vein disease. 许多患有静脉疾病的患者都有痉挛的经历, 疼痛, 燃烧, 瘙痒, 疼痛, 或者“累”或“不安”的腿, 尤其是小腿肌肉. 如果你有这些症状, physicians and staff at the 静脉中心 can perform a simple test to determine whether you have vein disease.
- 静脉疾病有多常见?
腿部静脉疾病是一种常见的疾病. It’s estimated that half of all middle-aged adults in the United States are affected by unsightly and often painful varicose veins. Varicose veins affect between 15-25% of all adults, and approximately 50% of all people over age 50. 女性患静脉曲张和蜘蛛静脉的可能性是男性的两倍.
- 静脉疾病的成因?
遗传是导致静脉疾病的最大因素, as approximately 70% of all patients with varicose veins have parents with the same condition. Pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancies, is a contributing cause of vein disease. 影响静脉疾病的其他因素是年龄, 肥胖和需要长时间站立的工作. Additional factors may include a history of 血凝块 and conditions that increase pressure in the abdomen, 比如肿瘤, 便秘和紧身衣服, 既往静脉手术, 以及暴露在紫外线下.
- 静脉疾病可以预防吗?
一般没有. If you have a family history of vein disease, there is nothing you can do to change your genes. 超重会加速静脉疾病的发展, 长时间站立也会加重这个问题. Diet and footwear are generally believed to be irrelevant in the formation of vein disease.
- 什么是静脉疾病?
静脉是将血液从身体输送到心脏的血管. 克服重力的力量, inside the veins are one-way valves which open to allow blood flow to the heart, 为了防止血液回流到脚上. 当这些阀门失效时, 或者如果静脉受损,瓣膜不能完全关闭, 血液会开始在静脉中聚集并引起各种并发症.
- 静脉疾病有哪些治疗选择?
Depending on the type and stage of vein disease, there are many different treatments. 静脉中心的医生和工作人员将解释所有的选择. 以下是治疗静脉疾病的常用方法:
对于静脉曲张引起的轻微疼痛,压缩袜可能是有益的. The compression stocking will assist the leg in the pumping of blood back to the heart. 而静脉疾病症状可得到缓解, 压缩袜不会使静脉曲张消失.
通常用于蜘蛛静脉和小静脉曲张, sclerotherapy involves injecting a small volume of a liquid into the diseased vein. The sclerosing liquid acts upon the lining of the vein to cause it to seal shut, 完全消除静脉.
硬化疗法 is quickly performed in a physician’s office and no anesthesia is required.
从历史上看, the only treatment for large varicose veins has been to surgically remove or ‘strip’ the vein from the body. Surgical stripping is done in an operating room under anesthesia and requires a considerable recovery period for the patient. More recently, a modified version of stripping known as ambulatory phlebotomy has grown in use. 在这个版本的手术剥离, 做多个切口钩住静脉,一次切除一部分静脉. 与标准静脉剥离相比,切口更多, 但对腿部的损伤和术后恢复时间是最小的.
在过去几年里, the use of endovenous ablation has become an accepted alternative to surgical stripping to treat varicose veins. 在静脉内消融治疗中, 一根细纤维被插入病变的静脉, generally through a small puncture in the leg above where the visual symptoms appear. The physician then delivers energy (radiofrequency or laser) through the fiber which causes the vein to close as the fiber is gradually removed. Endovenous ablation therapy can be performed in a physician’s office in less than one hour, 病人被鼓励在手术后立即行走. - 哪些人不应该接受治疗?
病人 should wait at least three months after pregnancy or major surgery before being treated for vein disease. 有深静脉血栓或功能不全者, and patients who cannot ambulate for other reasons are not good candidates for treatment.
- 如果治疗过程中静脉被封闭,那么血液会流向哪里?
因为腿上有很多静脉, the blood that would have flowed through the closed vein simply flows through other healthy veins after the procedure. 病变静脉的丢失对循环系统来说不是问题.
- 如果静脉曲张不治疗会发生什么?
静脉曲张通常会随着时间的推移而恶化. 最初,患病的腿会感到轻微的疼痛和不安. 如果未经处理的, this pain will increase and result in limitations in walking and 抽筋 during sleeping. Eventually, varicose veins can lead to open sores on the foot, 血凝块 and tissue loss.
- 静脉治疗有哪些并发症?
幸运的是, sclerotherapy and endovenous ablation therapy have rarely been associated with any serious complications when properly performed. 这些手术常见的轻微并发症包括瘀伤, 轻微的瘙痒, 刺痛, tenderness and tightness in the treated leg for up to two weeks after the treatment.